Maria Attard Honoured with the PEP Medal

Maria Attard Honoured with the PEP Medal

In August 2020, His Lordship Mgr Mario Grech, Bishop Emeritus of Gozo, bestowed the papal honour Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (PEP) on four members of the diocesan community of Gozo: Maria Attard (Xagħra), Toni Grima (Xewkija), Charles Spiteri (Għajnsielem) and Antoine Vassallo (Victoria).

This honour is bestowed by His Holiness the Pope on those Christians who distinguish themselves in their service for the local Church, in one field or another.

The following are the words that Bishop Grech had to say as he passed on the certificate together with the PEP medal to Maria on August 20th, which includes the reasons for which she has been decorated.

‘With a great sense of gratitude to all the work that you did in the Church, I am passing on to you this recognition by Pope Francis particularly for the following works… Because in your profession as a teacher you always tried to present the academic aspect of your teaching ministry with the values of the Gospel and thus help in the shaping of new generations. You continue to express interest in the holistic formation of students, even after you left your formal teaching career. Together with Mgr Emmanuel Curmi, you opened and remained in charge of the Dar Ġużeppa Debono where you helped unmarried mothers who were expecting a child.

You did all you could to strengthen the culture of life especially life in the womb and therefore you did your utmost to destroy the diabolical culture of abortion. Last but not least, you established the Anawin Community through which, on the guidelines of secular institutes, celibate women consecrate themselves to God while remaining in the world. You tried to promote this idea of consecration among a group of widows. Driven by missionary love, you continue to work so that this charisma finds roots also in Guatemala’.