What we do


It is Christ who through his word brings us together in order to form ourselves as his disciples. For this aim, the Community meets once a week for a formative meeting and in order to programme the future. There are also moments of retreat and socializing together. This is an important aspect in our life as consecrated lay persons. We also provide formation for other groups.

Voluntary Work

In Gozo – Members of the Anawim Family offer their services in the work we carry, mainly in Formation and the Ministry of the Child in the Womb.

In Guatemala – Since 2017, through Fr Anton Grech, we were invited to give our service in Guatemala. His main pre-occupation is how the poor concept of life that the people have and the number of young teenage mothers. To carry out this mission, the Spiritual Adoption Programme was introduced in schools, the Blessing of the Child in the Womb in parishes and the building of a respite for teenage mothers and those in need was carried out.


A training the trainers programme is being implemented.

Blessing of the Child in the Womb

The Ministry of the Child in the Womb is carried out by Christians and others who with us want to express and spread their faith in the value of life from conception till natural death. This is Christ’s mission in the world coferred on us all.


We do this through:

  • The Spiritual Adoption Programme carried out in schools and parishes;
  • The blessing of the child in the womb held in February and June;
  • Acknowledging the life of children lost in miscarrige, IVF or abortion by celebrating their existance, giving them a name and greeting them as family members. This is done during a celebration held in October.

Commemorating a Child lost During Pregnancy

The commemoration of the child lost during pregnancy is held yearly in the first week of October. Through this ceremony, we acclaim the existance of these babies in God’s presence by giving them a name and celebrating them as members of the family.

Dar Ġużeppa Debono 

Dar Ġużeppa Debono is a non-governmental association established within the Church and which has its own statute and autonomous leadership. Since it began to operate as a home for the protection of unmarried mothers, the Anawim community had an important role in the running of the House.